Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Teal shimmer polish... I love this colour, it's so .. mermaidy.
Tada! It's so prettyyyyyyyy~ 

So I told myself to NOT buy any more new polishes because I have way too many. That said, there are still some shades I don't have yet... like this beautiful teal colour. Soooo... when I was out roaming, I picked up this gem... for only $3. I know! For nails, I believe it's all about finding the perfect shade > the expensive brands. I do like some expensive brands, but oft-times they are way overpriced, so unless I love the colour, I can't justify spending more than x5 the amount of a cheaper polish on it.

Sunday, 17 February 2013


My cutie baby looking all pensive, hehe.
One of my three cutie babies. So adorbs, resting behind my laptop.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


My cute little piggy. Basically empty though... 
Home is wherever I'm with you...
I have a bunch of piggy banks... disproportionate to the amount of money I've saved. Who am I kidding, I barely save. All the coins I stash away go towards my bus fare anyway. The frame is so beautiful AND it came free with a magazine - totally killed two birds with one stone. I wanted a frame for some family snaps, but I loved the art it came with anyways so I've yet to change it.


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